6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care


Many times girls waste thousand dollars on beauty products to try for their skin and ends in destroying their skin.So if you want to prevent your skin from these problems you should try some natural and home remedies for healthy skin and care for it's beauty.
Here I am presenting some best face care tips for beautiful and healthy skin.

6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care

1.Make Lips Fuller
Apply a cosmetic oil or regular lip balm .Then take a soft toothbrush,and rub on your lips gently for 1 minute.

6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care

2.Oils For Glowing Skin
Massaging your face with oils mainly olive ,coconut or castor oil .It will make your skin soft and smooth.You can do an oil massage by mixing all the three oils for 5 minutes and get steam for best results.Repeat this once a week.

6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care

3.Salt Water Solution To Reduce Swelling And Give Fresh Look
Dissolve a good amount of salt in Luke water and soak a towel in it and apply it to your face for 10 minutes.

6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care

4.Baking Soda For Under Eye bags
Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of hot tea and soak a cotton pad in this mixture ,and then apply it to area under your eyes.

6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care

5.Frozen Tomato Slice Best Beauty Tip
Keep some slices of tomatoes in your refrigerator and when you feel your skin is tired ,or when the skin feels tired because of hot and harsh outside weather then massage the frozen tomato slice on your face and wash your face with water.Here you go with fresh and tight skin.

6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care

6.Rice For Beauty
Try rice masks and rice water for your skin they are the best if you had not tried them yet then its time to give them a chance to enhance your beauty.You can find it here

6 Best Home Techniques For Skin Care
