How To Get Rid Of Large Facial Pores


How To Get Rid Of Large Facial Pores

Large facial pores are disturbing they can make the skin rough and ugly.Facial pores sebum and oil and if their size get large they secreat excess oil also if they are not proplerly cared dirt is stored in them hence looks very bad.
Improper hygine ,low quality products ,sun burn and even it is caused by genetics also.

How To Get Rid Of Large Facial Pores

Here i am presenting some tips to reduce facial skin pore size.

1. Do regular and proper cleansing .
2.Use a toner or simply rose water spray on your skin after every cleansin (because it closes open pores)
3.Never squeeze your skin pores ,if you will do this the trauma can cause to pores which further increase their size.So never ever do this.
4.When you return to home from hot outside or bright sun use ice cubes or frozen tomato slices on your skin for ew minutes your skin gert fresh and also you will feel cool
5.Steaming is an another good step to reduce their size.By steaming pores willopen and dirt and oil from pores is removed so the empty clean pores can be easily reduced.
So follow these few tips for some months you can notice the difference .Have a good day and take care of your skin 
