5 Detox Water Recipes For Rapid Weight Loss


Detox Webster is the latest diet craze to take off in recent years. This is getting popular for weight loss because of a variety of reasons. Weight loosing is thought to be tough following crush diets and exercise but now it is not that much thought when you have these tasty detox drinks. So here are the 5 delicious drinks

5 Detox Water Recipes For Rapid Weight Loss

Slim Down Detox Water :
This cucumber detox water is an ideal starting point for all dieters. The diuretic properties guarantee that all moisture will be rapidly flushed from the system. Tart grapefruit delivers a revitalizing rush of flavor, and the fruit is packed with fat-burning enzymes.
5 Detox Water Recipes For Rapid Weight Loss

For this You Need:
4 Glasses spring water 
1/2 grape fruit sliced
1/2 cucumber, sliced 
2-3 mint leaves
1/2 lemon sliced 

Combine all the ingredients in a pitcher
Allow the ingredients to chill in the refrigerator for an hour before serving Drink throughout the day.

2. Lemon And Mint Detox Water:
Lemon water makes for a powerful detox drink, lemon juice helps to cleanse and alkalize the body. And mint adds touch of sweetness without sugar to your water and it also helps settle your stomach and aids in digestion as well.
5 Detox Water Recipes For Rapid Weight Loss

For this You Need:
4 glass water 
2 lemons, thinly sliced some mint leaves
Combine all the ingredients in a pitcher 
Before serving put it in the refrigerator for an hour to allow the water to infuse.

3. Strawberry Flavored Water:
Strawberry detox water is consistently one of the most popular infused water. Strawberries are good for heart health and even cancer prevention.
5 Detox Water Recipes For Rapid Weight Loss

For this You Need:
5-6 strawberries 
1/2 lemon sliced 
Cold Filtered water
Combine all the ingredients in a pitcher 
Before serving put it in the refrigerator for an hour to allow the water to infuse.



  1. the red detox tea can also boost your metabolism http://bit.ly/2xnXm18

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  6. I very much like the way you have provided some extremely useful information about the water detox recipes. Thanks for sharing some extremely useful and effective information. By the way let me share my personal experience regarding a product which I recently came across in course of my weight loss journey. The product named "The Red Tea Detox" is said to be extremely beneficial in reducing weight and many people have claimed to have reduced 14 pounds in 14 days. it’s a detox diet that uses a special tea recipe to help accelerate fat loss. That’s really amazing isn’t it?
