40 Tips For Dressing Over 40


40 Tips For Dressing Over 40

So, now that we’ve all cleaned out our closets and made peace with our inner hoarders, here’s a few of my favorite tips for dressing yourself.

Y’all listen close.  Lean in. (I defy all personal space rules and I always have.  My apologies.)  There is no amount of makeup or clothing or hair products that can ever make up for the beauty that lives within you.  You are beautiful!  Did you hear me?  God has made you in His image and He has poured Himself into you and you are unique and special and lovely in all the ways that matter.

But there are a few principles I follow when dressing myself that might help you too.  Take it all with a grain of salt because I’ve always been a little eclectic and risky with my wardrobe.  And?  I’ve been looking high and low for a red fitted jumpsuit, something akin to the one Sally O’Malley wears—you know, for those nights when my girls like to see me do my best rendition of her kick and stretch routine.   So, maybe my advice on clothing is completely worthless.  But that’s never stopped me before.

1. Find clothes that are ‘yank and tuck and hitch free’.
2. Invest in some good jeans.
3.  Buy every color of Sugar Lips tank top you think you’ll use.
4. Dress like a woman. 
5. Do not buy ‘outfits’ or fall for every trend.
6. Learn what looks good on you and what doesn’t.
7.  Buy fewer things but better things. 
8. Remember why you should care




How To Increase Hair Growth?


How To Increase Hair Growth?

Potato juice

Why: potato juice contains vitamins A and C. These vitamins promote hair growth.

How to: Grate two potatoes and squeeze out their juice. Apply this juice all over your scalp and let it stay for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water. You can do this remedy every time before shampooing.
Precautions: the potato is also a mild and natural bleaching agent. Do not use this remedy on freshly colored hair as it might cause the color to fade away faster.

