Best And Easy Recipe Of Body Butter


Best And Easy Recipe Of Body Butter

It is a recipe of home making extremely soft and silky body butter not much greasy you will love it.And once you try this at home i am sre you will never buy another from store.So here is the super easy recipee

Best And Easy Recipe Of Body Butter

Ingredients :

1.Half cup mango butter
2,1/4 cup shea butter
3.1/4 cup koum butter
4.1/4 cup coconut oil
5.1/4 cup almond oil
6.1 table spoon arrowroot powder

Procedure :

1.Mix all butters ,oil and arrowroot powder in a bowl in a microwave for two minutes
3.Freeze for 20 minutes
4.Whip until it get a fine fluffy texture
5.Fill in a glass jar

You are done !



How To Get Rid Of Large Facial Pores


How To Get Rid Of Large Facial Pores

Large facial pores are disturbing they can make the skin rough and ugly.Facial pores sebum and oil and if their size get large they secreat excess oil also if they are not proplerly cared dirt is stored in them hence looks very bad.
Improper hygine ,low quality products ,sun burn and even it is caused by genetics also.

How To Get Rid Of Large Facial Pores

Here i am presenting some tips to reduce facial skin pore size.

1. Do regular and proper cleansing .
2.Use a toner or simply rose water spray on your skin after every cleansin (because it closes open pores)
3.Never squeeze your skin pores ,if you will do this the trauma can cause to pores which further increase their size.So never ever do this.
4.When you return to home from hot outside or bright sun use ice cubes or frozen tomato slices on your skin for ew minutes your skin gert fresh and also you will feel cool
5.Steaming is an another good step to reduce their size.By steaming pores willopen and dirt and oil from pores is removed so the empty clean pores can be easily reduced.
So follow these few tips for some months you can notice the difference .Have a good day and take care of your skin 



Home Remedy For Facial Hair


Home Remedy For Facial Hair

If you have hairs on your face and neck and you are sick of waxing on face then try this easy remedy at home for two months they will permenantly removed.

Home Remedy For Facial Hair

Ingredients :

1. Tumeric Powder

Procedure :

Mix 2 table spoon tumeric powder with one and half table spoon milk and make a thick paste.Apply this paste on the area of face where there is unwanted hair leave for 15 minutes .Clean gently with cotton ball in circular motions repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week for 2 months they will be removed permanently.



Melt Your Belly Fat Without Excercise Only With A Magical Easy Asian Tip


Melt Your Belly Fat Without Excercise Only With A Magical Easy Asian Tip

Here is an amazing tip I am presenting today .This is a very easy and fast method to melt your belly fat you can see the result in just 2 weeks of it's use.It was an old asian method to melt the belly fat so very few peoples know about it today .I have watched many peoples who have amazingly melted their belly button .

Melt Your Belly Fat Without Excercise Only With A Magical Easy Asian Tip

Belly button is very hard to remove 'there are very tough exercises which we have to continue for many months and also we have to take care of the diet so many peoples leave the exercise within weeks because it's very hard to continue such exercises so here is the most easy way to flat your belly .Just you have to do one thing in morning 'half an hour before breakfast you have to drink one glass of boiled warm water for two months yesss no exercise no dieting you can watch the magical result.

As all of you know that there are many other benefits of warm water so drink warm water in the morning and enjoy many benefits of it.It will melt your belly fat miraculously .

take a glass to water and boil it and then pour in to a cup and  drink it while it is warm you can also squeeze a lemon into it to increase its efficiency .



DIY Lemon Face Scrub


DIY Lemon Face Scrub

DIY Lemon Face Scrub


2.One lemmon

Procedure :

Take  some sugar in a cup ,make thick slices of lemon ,dip the lemon slices in sugar and then rub on face slowley for 2 minutes .Wash face with cold water you can see instant brightness and shine on your face .



Easy Recipee Of Arabic Wax


Easy Recipee Of Arabic Wax

Today i am posting the most easy recipee of Arabic sugar wax also known as Halawa Wax.I have tried it and it is awesome it dosen't hurt that much like wax because it only sticks with the hair not with the skin .
It is very cheap method you can make it and store for many weeks.It only costs few cents just you have to make it with correct recipee.

Easy Recipee Of Arabic Wax


Ingredients :

1 cup sugar
A pinch of salt
Two lemons

Also Read Home remedy for facial hairs


1.Grind sugar
2.Put sugar ,pinch of salt 1 cup water and juice of two lemons (small sized one lemon if big sized)
3.Heat till it turns golden
4.Put in a cold plate (put the plate in refrigerator for 2 mins)
5.After it is bearable warm grab from plate .wet your hands and start to mix it with hand until it turn yellowish.
 It is ready!!!
Put small piece on area where waxing is required push the wax on area and pull it .

Easy Recipee Of Arabic Wax

Use it any where except on the face.It is best for hands feet amprits and bikini area.
